A hero has to be mentaly storng. They have to be able to push themselves through the hard times. Heros have to be able to handle those hard times as well, and not break down from what there going through. They need to be able to handle whatever comes there way.
A hero needs to be honest aslo. Its important that your hero has this quality because you need to be able to trust the person you look up to. Heros have to set a good example and be true to themsleves. They need to be true to what they do too.
Hope is one the most important qualities a hero can have. Hope is important and knowing to never give up on what you believe in. You need hope to fallow your dreams and that is a big part of beign a hero, setting an example for the people that look up to you. Even when things dont go how you would like hope is what keeps you going.
Dedication is something a hero definitely needs to have. When you have dedication you can get through and accomplish more things then you knew you were even capable of. Dedication is what helps people achieve their dreams. Dedication drives people to work to achieving there goals.
A hero needs to be brave! A real hero faces their fears and won't back down
to anyone or anything. They are not afraid to be out
of the comfort zone. Hero's won't back down from achieving their
goals.Courage! Hero's have to courages. In life there will be things you
want and its going to take that moment of courage to go after it.
Hero's definitely have that quality. They chase there dreams and
with their courage they accomplish the hard things in life, and that
is usually why most people admire and look up to the them.
Drive is a quality that is very important. You need to have the drive when
hings get hard and hope is why people keep going most of the time.
Drive can help people have that extra push towards
what they want. Drive gets people through the hardest times and Hero'sall have that drive in them that got them where they are today.
One other quality that is a must is heart. Hero's have that heart in them
that makes them who they am. And drives them to get the things in life
they want. Heart is going after what you, not necessarily love but want and
having it inside of you to go after it.
Desire is want you have going after something. If you don't have the desire
to go after or do something then its not going to be done. If you don't have it
inside of you to go after what your trying to get whatever it may be, then
ultimately what your after won't be worth it. If the desire isn't there then theres
Faith, a hero needs to have faith in themselves. If they don't believe in
themselves it will be impossible for them to succeed . You need that
faith to push you to your goals. If you have faith in yourselfso will others and you can achieve anything that way.
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