After reviewing my writing I have learned that I have grown a lot over this semester. Towards the begging of the year I wasn't aware of how to form my pieces of writing, and I didn't really know how to use the format. The first few journals I wrote at the beginning of the semester didn't have an order to my sentences. Everything was just random and i didn't fallow the format. I still struggle with fallowing the format but it really does help improve the writing and I am learning how to use it as I go on. Later in the semester though, I had a purpose for what i was saying and i tried my best to fallow the format. I really struggled with creativity, and adding details to my journals, but the more we have wrote the better I've gotten in these areas.
I can really improve on making my writing more interesting and making more scene My introductions and conclusions really need improvement "I had soccer this week and it was awful." The introduction to my first journal was not interesting and doesn't pull the reader in to read more. In my early journals i didn't really conclude my paragraphs I just stopped writing I also need to improve my analysis on the quotes I use in my pieces of writing. Connecting my ideas are also a weak spot for me, I think I just need to take more time and really think about my ideas and try harder to connect them. I have a problem with saying what I am thinking and how to word my ideas. It is always hard to write out what I'm thinking for some reason.
There are so many different things that inspire me to write. Situations I'm going through or have gone through are what i usually write about. It helps me connect with stories or other pieces of writing, if I try and connect something in my life with what I'm reading that inspires me and helps me write my own stories. I connect with people, people inspire me to write. Reading inspires me to write. I like getting new ideas on how to write my journals and how to write them by reading other pieces of writing Music is really helpful when I'm writing as well. Songs tell a story, and honestly lyrics sometimes helps me word my thoughts.
Writing is a way to express yourself, everyone has there own style.
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